Estonian Commemorative 2019

Details relating to the Estonian Commemorative of 2019.

Issue Date: 19.11.2019

Number Minted: 1,000,000


Mint Mark :

The coin commemorates the  100th anniversary of the establishment of the University of Tartu as the first Estonian-spaeking university.

The University was originally founded in1632 by King Gustav II of Sweden and was then known as the Acedemia Gustaviana and had Latin as the language of instruction.

The Language of instruction changed to German in 1802 and to Russian in 1893 before finally changing to Estonian in 1919.

The motif shows a front view (rather stiff and formal ) of the university.

Around the top of the inner circle,running from ten to two o'clock is the inscription "RAHVUSÜLIKOOL" (National University) and immediately underneath 100 - standing for the anniversary.

The country of issue and the year of issue are seen at eight and four o'clock respectively.

Under the facade of the university is the inscription ""UNIVERSITAS TARTUENSIS"and finally at the bottom at six o'clock 1632 - the year of its founding.

The coin does not have a mint mark.

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