Slovenian Commemorative 2020

Details relating to the Slovenian Commemorative of 2020.

Issue Date: 12.12.2020

Number Minted: 1,000,000

Mint: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato in Rome. 

Mint Mark : none

The coin celebrates the 400th Anniversary of the birth of Adam Bohoričk.

Bohoricks was active as an author and philiologist (linguist) and in this latter capacity he compiled and published the very first Slovenian grammar. It was however published in Latin!and bore the title "Arcticae horulae succisivae" (Free winter hours) or in Slovenian "Proste zimske urice".

There is a Bible verse in it, which comes from Romans 14,11 and is in the Vulgate version of the Bible "Omnis lingua confitebitur Deo".(All tongues should confess God).In Slovenian this is " Vſaki jesik bode Boga ſposnal. ”

This uses the long s -"ſ".This no longer used in current Slovenian but was at the time that Bohorič lived.

The motif of the coin is simply the Latin "Omnis lingua confitebitur Deo" overlayed with thee Slovenian " Vſaki jesik bode Boga ſposnal. ” This is largely in the lower half of the inner circle.

Personally I think it simply looks untidy and cluttered - still just my opinion.

Around the edge of the inner circle is the inscription "ADAM BOHORIČ 1520 | SLOVENIJA 2020 ", showing Bohoričk's name as well as the name of the issuing country and the year of issue.

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